"We exist today within an increasingly fascist colonial world order that is designed to systematically grow profits off the violent oppression of everything. Our white, European hegemonic powers have defined all aspects of our lives over the centuries, with globalised capitalism simply one of many mechanisms for policing and maintaining open-air concentration camps masquerading as “urban centres” across the Global South - while state-sanctioned development aggression terrorises and pollutes rural lands."

The demands of decolonisation are simple:

Justice and reparations for colonial harms past, present and future;

The end of colonial and white supremacist systems and structures.

Justice and reparations are demanded for colonial harms such as:


Resource grabs

Cultural theft

Violent, oppressive and exploitative colonial systems and structures that must be abolished include:

Globalised, extractive or disaster capitalism, especially systematically cruel and abusive industries such as factory and industrial farming;

Western hegemony and its puppeteering of military industrial complexes, “global” institutions and media conglomerates





“Decolonisation becomes a process— an ongoing peeling away of the layers of imposed identity conferred by the colonisers, rejecting the stories offered, and a general ripping off the veils of illusion created by malicious omissions and elisions to design palatable chronicles of progress, development and the white saviour model. Decolonisation enables us to see more clearly the “hidden” hierarchy of countries—the developed and the developing—the coloniser and the colonised.”

“Deeply seated patterns of coloniality appear most overtly in the narratives and conceptualisations defining the sustainability industry – in individuals and institutions – to powerfully maintain and service our inequitable global class and governance structures.”

"Freeing our minds from mental slavery, commencing and committing to the lifelong process of self-decolonisation or decolonising the self is a necessary step in being able to identify and interrogate modes and mechanisms of coloniality that pervades the One World that we are all indoctrinated to serve and uphold."